REAVN HomeSmart

The World’s most Precise and *Actionable* Home Valuation Data 

Everything Starts with a Home!

REAVN (Real Estate Appraisal & Valuation Network) is a crowdsource home valuation PLATFORM that enables Real Estate Agents and their clients, Appraisers and other local experts to collaborate within and across teams to provide exponentially better data for Homeowners, Buyers and Sellers, Lenders, Investors, RMBS asset Managers, Muni Assessors and Govt. Policy Makers. The data that is produced by our CROWD is transformative and can benefit everyone from first-time homebuyers to policy makers at HUD. See our intro video to learn how.

Brokers & Agents

~Be more PRODUCTIVE in the field
~Add VALUE to clients in new ways
~Stay RELEVANT in changing markets ~Find NEW source of clients & revenue

Home Buyers & Sellers

~Optimize your Agency Relationship
~Understand & Price Relative Value ~Find the RIGHT Agent for YOU
~Forecast Home Costs & Appreciation

Appraisal Services

~Real Estate Valuation as a Service
~VALUE in USE Approach
~Increase Appraisal accuracy 50%+
~Customized Appraisals in minutes

Lenders, Govt. Agencies & Asset Managers

~Reduce Underwriting & Credit Risk
~New Metrics for Suitability
~Increase Liquidity & Transfer risk

Flippers & iBuyers

~AVMs won't tell you much even in the unlikely event that the price is right
~Make improvements based on MATH
~Never under/over-improve again
~Get more from agent relationships


~Collateral Risk Assessment touches all forms of risk in mortgage bonds
~Improve Pricing and transferability of Credit Risk & Increase Profits
~Sleep Better, play more

Get Involved!

  • Sign up, its an Open Platform and FREE so long as you contribute valuations. 
  • Earn Coins with each valuation which will be convertible into our Currency.
  • Recruit new users and earn coins for their use and everyone they recruit as well.
  • Become a TEAM LEADER and then a MARKET LEADER and earn stock.
  • With each user input the HomeSmart system becomes more accurate and our economy becomes more efficient. Everything starts with a home!

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Sign-Up! Its Open & Free.

Exhausted with relentless change and the expense of it all? Want to kick some ass and accomplish your real estate goals? Don't get left behind, your knowledge is super valuable even if you aren't as active as you once were in your RE markets.

Team Approach

We are better when we share common goals, work together and collaborate. Sign-up under your favorite REAVN agent and start making our real estate markets more efficient.

Market Efficiency

Real Estate Agents as a CROWD have almost PERFECT information about current Supply & Demand- made even better by market participants. Agents are an invaluable resource and HomeSmart makes them even better!

Relative Value Thinking

You want to know the granular data and see how real estate markets actually work. The establishment (Zillow) unfortunately is NOT going to help. Real Estate is an emergent marketplace where prices are discovered every day and every market is different. You can't do this with AI & ML. We need YOU! Register to learn more.

Agent-Centric Philosophy

Register under your Real Estate Agent and the software is free, you earn coins with use and you can see your agents shared data. If you don't want to register under an agent you have to pay for, or earn, access to the software and won't be able to view agent valuations. Better with an agent, don't have one? Find one here.

A Rising Tide Floats all Boats

The fact is that all real estate markets are connected. When buyers are priced out of one market, they move on to the next. Taxpayer money can be more efficiently allocated to raise the standard of living in our hardest hit communities. Everything Starts with a Home! Find out why & how.